Monday, July 22, 2013

The Child Marriage Saga!

According to the Advanced Learner's Dictionary, marriage is the legally accepted relationship between a woman and a man in which they live as husband and wife , or the official ceremony which results in this.
Anything short of the foregoing is socially and legally not acceptable.For a man to be married to a 13year old girl is an abomination and a criminal offence of child molestation, punishable by law.This is indeed a national disgrace, and would be a monumental national calamity if not stopped and checked.
As a nation,we are at a  cross-roads and a critical melting point, if  the people we have elected to represent and speak for us are going dumb and deaf on us.
The response  and reactions of Nigerians have been fantastic and must be commended.There have series of campaigns on various platforms against this evil, our hope therefore, is that the National Assembly would rise to the occasion to safe-guard our moral sanity.
May be we should educate our law makers  and remind them that the "evils that men do live after them" and most often than not, their children become the victims of their evil deeds.Also, they need to know that Nigeria is greater and bigger than certain individuals,therefore, they should represent the yearnings of the masses and not thieir  own selfish interests and evil desires.
Finally, I believe the key solution to this problem is education,when the masses are well educated,they won't tolerate bad leaders who have nothing to offer them.
This is a Clarion call to right-thinking Nigerians,who believe in the "Nigerian Dream", to rise and add their voices to the million voices crying against this evil.
Nigerians are saying stop this injustice against our children!
Long Live Nigeria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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