Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Glen James: A Good Samaritan

Glen James
Mr. Glen James

" Honesty , they say, is the best legacy." This could be said to be true about Mr. Glen James, a former Boston Courthouse employee, who found and returned  a backpack containing traveller's cheques and cash worth $42,000 to the Police recently in the U.S.
According to the report given by the Boston Police Commissioner, Mr. Edward Davis, when honouring the good Samaritan on Monday, he said, " Mr. James found the backpack at the South Bay Mall in the city's Dorchester neighbourhood on Saturday evening. He flagged down a Police Officer and handed it over."
When handing over the backpack he found at the weekend, he told the Police that he would not have kept back " even a penny" of the money he had found in the backpack even if he were desperate.
As a way of showing appreciation and honouring the good Samaritan for his worthy character, a well-wisher, Mr. Ethan Whittington,set up an online fund raising scheme. And ever since it was launched on Monday afternoon, more than 4,000 people have gone to the fund, donating in excess of $105,000. Mr. Whittington said when he started the fund raising scheme to honour Mr. James, he expected to raise a couple of hundred dollars, and has been pleasantly shocked by the huge response and support shown by the people. Also, on an update on the donation site, Mr. Whittington said: " Donations just keep pouring in. I have had people willing to donate computers, clothing, food etc. I am also speaking with a few folks about the possibility of a house or apartment." Source- (Mail Online)


1 comment:

  1. It's been often said "Integrity is expensive you don't expect it from cheap people".... This is a lesson well learnt.
